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Introducing the Rollbar Pipe for Bitbucket Pipelines

Introducing the Rollbar Pipe for Bitbucket Pipelines
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Automating your deployment process is a critical step towards adopting continuous delivery. For teams that use Bitbucket for hosting their source code, Bitbucket Pipelines provide an easy way to automatically build and deploy when changes are made in your origin repository.

The Rollbar team is excited to participate in the launch of Bitbucket Pipes, which make it even easier to configure your pipeline. Bitbucket Pipes makes it easy to build and automate a CI/CD pipeline that meets your exact needs. Bitbucket Pipes replaces custom-written scripts with parameterized calls to vendor-supported 'pipes'. For instance, you can now report a deploy to your Rollbar project with a call to the rollbar/rollbar-notify pipe:

rollbar/rollbar-notify pipe

As you can see in the example above, adding the rollbar/rollbar-notify pipe takes just a couple of lines of YAML and it unlocks several features in Rollbar which will speed up your debugging process when exceptions occur.

Deploy Tracking in Rollbar

Reporting deploys to Rollbar makes it easier to correlate exceptions to code changes which may have triggered them:

  • Each exception in Rollbar has a 'Suspect Deploy' which is the last reported deployment before it became active.
    Suspect Deploy for an exception
  • Deploys will appear as an entry in your live exception feed so you can quickly see when code changes occurred.
    Deploy in live exception feed
  • If your Rollbar account is on an Advanced or Enterprise plan, you can track exceptions by version, providing a real-time dashboard of exceptions occurring in your last deployed version.
    Version dashboard in Rollbar

Reporting Deploys via the Bitbucket Pipe

When you add the rollbar/rollbar-notify pipe to your pipeline, your build output will include a link to the deploy details in Rollbar.

Link to deploy details in the Bitbucket build output

Similarly, the deploy details in Rollbar include a link back to the pipeline results in Bitbucket:

Rollbar deploy details with link to Bitbucket Pipeline

These convenient links make it simple to jump from investigating an exception back to the build which deployed the code change that may have caused it (and vice versa) so it's easier to identify the root cause of a new exception.

Questions? Enhancement Ideas? Want to Contribute?

The rollbar/rollbar-notify pipe is an open source project hosted at To report an issue or enhancement ideas, please create an issue. Pull requests with enhancements are always welcomed! Learn more about Bitbucket Pipes by checking out the Bitbucket Pipes announcement blog post.